And so, it begins...

So I have a friend named Chantel. And, that's odd because I am also named Shantell. We used to be roommates and now she lives in Utah. We used to be the house of Sh(C)antel(l)s, and it was cool. We are cool- and we are both pretty blunt- which we've decided is a trait that goes along with the name.

One of our most covered topics of conversation is dating, or the lack of dating, or funny experiences we have dating. So, Chantel says to me- "we should write a blog" and so, here we are. We don't really have any idea where this is going, but people keep telling us that we should be writing a book. We figured we start with a blog instead. And get some of our other single friends to contribute. And then become viral wonders with a million followers would will fund my next record and Chantel's next research project. Anyways...

We're calling it 'Singled Out' because, well it's sort of clever. And maybe we think we are sort of clever. :) I personally think we should keep the tone around the strange and funny, well, because if you weren't laughing you'd probably be crying. And we all do enough of that anyway.

Um, wanna take it from here?